Maintenance has gone through different stages of development. With the beginning of the industrial r...
Maintenance has gone through different stages of development. With the beginning of the industrial revolution and until recently, the common maintenance method was the reaction method, meaning that when the machine broke down, we repaired it, but if the machine was working well, no maintenance activity was done. That is, in this period the concept of maintenance was: to repair the machine if it breaks down.However, with the development of the industry, there was a need to take some measures to avoid the problems that were occurring due to the use of the reactionary method of maintenance, such as: production stops for long periods for repair, and the possibility of large losses in machines or lives as a result of sudden and unexpected malfunction, hence the Thinking about preventive maintenance, which is based on the idea that every machine and every part of it has a certain life span that can be roughly calculated. Therefore, before the expiry date of its useful life, it is replaced, thus avoiding the occurrence of many unexpected failures that were occurring in the past.However, the possibility of unexpected malfunctions is still present, as the machine may be exposed to harsh operating conditions, which accelerates the damage of one of its parts before its due date, and the possibility of changing and replacing some parts while they are in good condition is present, which means a large financial loss, so it was decided to develop a method The latest is predictive maintenance, which relies on monitoring the condition of the machine in order to predict failures that may occur before they occur.Currently, in the industry, it combines all the aforementioned types of maintenance, so it does not mean that predictive maintenance is the latest of these methods that are used in all equipment, as the cost of establishing predictive maintenance systems is very expensive, so it applies only to critical equipment, that is, expensive equipment or those that are They are pivotal in the production process and can lead to the shutdown of the entire plant if these machines fail. As for the rest of the equipment, preventive maintenance schedules can be made for it, especially if this equipment has a calculated lifespan, and there are also some equipment or parts that can be left to operate without any maintenance until a malfunction occurs and it is repaired. A productive process for which the cost of preventive or predictive maintenance is greater than the cost of repair.Modern systems of maintenance management have developed, such as maintenance based on reliability, which is based on a combination of different maintenance methods as previously explained, as well as comprehensive production maintenance, in which the production system is linked with the maintenance system in order to achieve maintenance goals, which are also consistent with the production goals of the industrial facility.Also, the so-called computerized maintenance management systems have been developed, which are programs that organize maintenance within the industrial facility in order to improve the level of maintenance in general.